Deal Education Alliance for Learning Trust

Deal Education Alliance for Learning Trust

Admissions Policy Consultation

As our own admissions authority, we are required under the School Admissions Code 2021 to review our admissions policies annually and to consult on our arrangements from time to time. The code requires consultation in the following circumstances:

  • When changes are proposed to admission arrangements, all admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements (including any supplementary information form) that will apply for admission applications the following school year.
  • Where the admission arrangements have not changed from the previous year there is no requirement to consult, subject to the requirement that admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements at least once every 7 years, even if there have been no changes during that period.

The school is consulting to make no alterations to the Admissions Policy for the year 2025/26.

Please find the full policy and admissions arrangements linked below.

To provide comment or response to any of the documents here, please email