DEALT intends to carry out its work by ensuring
- children’s well-being and learning is at our core
- a continuous drive for excellence through shared school improvement
- a strong belief in collaborative working
- openness, honesty, mutual respect and challenge
- local solutions with moral purpose and integrity
- the development of strong learning communities at all levels
- financial transparency, effectiveness and stability
- respect for the distinctiveness of the character of each school
Equal Partnerships
The academies are equal partners within The Trust and at all times the partners will strive for consensus in decision making, recognising that each Academy has both strengths and weaknesses. The Academies will seek to preserve and protect each other’s distinctiveness and will be respectful of each Academies respective ethos and mission. The Academies will work collaboratively with each other, sharing resources, knowledge and best practice, to fulfil the Trust’s vision.
Together we will ensure:
Every child in DEALT is entitled to and receives high quality education.
Each school is developed into a centre of excellence in their own right, with their own distinctiveness.
This will be achieved through:
- a continuous drive for excellence through shared school improvement and collaboration
- openness, honesty, mutual respect and challenge
- local solutions with moral purpose and integrity
- financial transparency, effectiveness and stability
- wellbeing of all
- staffing-valued, CPD, pathways for development through DEALT